Holidays,  Living in New York,  parenting,  Recipes,  writing

Zoom Party Ideas

Our Christmas Tree

My son just had his birthday party via zoom, so here are some zoom party ideas as we continue in quarantine. I’ve also had some adult zoom cocktail parties.

  • play Mafia over zoom
  • scavenger hunt
  • Netflix watch party (no further explanation needed)


Have you ever heard of the game Mafia? We used to play it late at night when we were staying over with a group of friends at a country house. Back when we did that.

Here are the instructions. I put the names of the guests on paper slips in one bowl and the various roles (mafia or murderer, villager, doctor, detective) in the other bowl. Then I matched every guest with a role and direct-messaged them via zoom. I was the narrator, but actually the boys all really wanted to be the narrator so they could create different scenarios of how people died. I thought the boys would probably prefer to play Among Us (which seems to be the online game equivalent), but not all the boys were allowed to play it, so I did it the zoom way. It worked. We added in other characters inspired by Among Us: the Angel (can tell the narrator one person to protect — if the murderer picks them to kill, they don’t die; the clown (pretends to be the murderer).

Scavenger Hunt

So this game was inspired by my son’s gym teacher. He has them do a scavenger hunt for household items, which makes the kids run around the house like mad.

I decided to add a riddle component. So I used some of these riddles for toothbrush and book (items they’d be sure to have around the house) and also came up with my own.

I am soft. This item is not a hat. I don’t go on your hand. I slip over your foot. What am I?

Answer: Sock


I roll, but I’m not a ball.

I’m paper, but you don’t write on me

What am I?

Answer: Toilet paper


You rest your head on me

Answer: Pillow

One child unfortunately couldn’t go into the bathroom because someone is his family was using it, which was tough, given that I gave riddles for toothbrush and toilet paper as items they’d be sure to have around the house. πŸ™

Zoom Party Ideas Summary

Several parents emailed to thank me and say their children really enjoyed the party. I think the bar is low at the moment and I just occupied their children for two hours.

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays whatever you celebrate! I hope you had a wonderful Hannukah and have a wonderful Christmas!

We are busy making Christmas cookies. My favorite Christmas cookie recipe is gingerbread people (reduced fat!) from the Joy of Cooking. I have yet to find a sugar cookie recipe I really love, so if you have one, please share!

The cookies are quickly disappearing.

In other exciting news, my first MS Partner Pursuit was the winner of the Hudson County RWA 25-4-25 contest, and the first twenty pages of my second MS Is This for Real? just placed third in the RWA Windy City Four Seasons contest.

Let’s Talk

Do you have any good zoom party ideas? What are some of your favorite holiday traditions?

Happy Holidays!

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