Living in New York
Life in New York City
New York City Holiday Bingo Card
Let’s do a scavenger hunt with Kiara!
Let’s visit the MoMA with Kiara and see some of the art that she and Finn found as the answers to the clues in the scavenger hunt in A Scavenger Hunt for Hearts!
A Scavenger Hunt for Hearts – the novella
In A Scavenger Hunt for Hearts, Kiara jumps at the chance to dress up as a teacup work of art and participate in a scavenger hunt at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City to win her favorite artist’s painting. She pairs up with a stranger dressed as Rembrandt.
He may not know much about modern art, but he certainly knows how to make her heart beat.
The Scavenger Hunt
So let’s visit MoMA with Kiara and Finn and go on a scavenger hunt!
The first clue is: They did not always leave… Who is the artist? What is the painting showing?
The artist is Jacob Lawrence and it is showing flooding of crops. It explains that people left the South because floods ruined the crops.
The second clue is: Construction by Means of Color — A painting with a red ball flower. What’s the name of the painting and the artist?
The answer is: The Blue Window by Henri Matisse.
Another clue is: Planes of Color. Which painting has a different date on the reverse side? What is the name of the painting and the artist? What is the date on the reverse side?
The answer is: No. 5/No. 22 by Mark Rothko. 1949.
Another clue is: Pantyhose R.S.V.P. Who is the artist?
Senga Nengudi is the artist.
From my prior post with our November 2023 scavenger hunt, here’s a clue: A shimmery painting with pink using industrial materials. “The shimmering, reflective surface she created oxidized and eroded, becoming a kaleidoscopic mirror in which we glimpse fragments of ourselves and our surroundings.” Who is the artist?
The artist is: Tsuruko Yamazaki.
And we can’t forget that Kiara is dressed as a furry teacup. Here is the work of art that inspired her costume:
This is Object by Meret Oppenheim.
And Remember to Check Out My Reading of A Scavenger Hunt for Hearts – click on the image below for the link to the YouTube audio!
Let’s Talk
I hope you’ve enjoyed viewing some of the art work in this scavenger hunt. Who are some of your favorite artists?
MoMA Scavenger Hunt 2023
To celebrate the one-year anniversary of the publication of A Scavenger Hunt for Hearts, I created a new MoMA scavenger hunt 2023 for my readers and my newsletter subscribers! I was amazed at how many pieces of art that were on view for my original scavenger hunt were no longer on exhibit. I held the unofficial scavenger hunt event yesterday at the MoMA.
November 2023 unofficial MoMA Scavenger Hunt
- Spiral for Shared Dreams. What is the name of the Aztec Goddess for fresh water, childbirth and sensuality?
- Doors with Bats. When was this work created? What is the name of the artwork?
- What was the size of Picasso’s Fontainebleau studio? What is the name of one piece of art he created there?
- A shimmery painting with pink using industrial materials. “The shimmering, reflective surface she created oxidized and eroded, becoming a kaleidoscopic mirror in which we glimpse fragments of ourselves and our surroundings.” Who is the artist?
- Flag. Who is the artist? How many stars?
- Soup cans. How many panels? Why soup cans?
- Dial A Poem. What poet read you a poem?
- 10/27/69. “The works’ tension and free fall—subject to forces beyond the artist’s control—paralleled the social turmoil of the time.” This is part of a series called the Drape paintings. What is the name of the artist?
- Go for a swim. Take a photo in this room of cut-outs.
- Fish. What is the date of creation?
- In A Scavenger Hunt for Hearts, Kiara and Finn enter a room called Motion and Illumination. A video fills a large screen hanging from the ceiling, with a “flying train,” inviting the viewer into a twisting aerial view of a street from 1902. What country is this filmed in?
- Pines and Rocks. When did MoMA acquire this work?
- An artist known for colorful paintings (sometimes with cows in them) who interweaves many of the visual elements of Cubism, Fauvism, Symbolism and Surrealism. What is the name of one of his paintings with a cow in it?
- Henri Matisse. Construction by Means of Color. A painting with a red ball flower. What’s the name of the painting?
- A bicycle wheel. Who is the artist? What is the date?
- Charlie Chaplin becomes a cog in this machine. What is the name of the film?
- Hotel Sauce Pots. What’s the name of the hotel?
- In what room are the water lilies?
- Luncheon in Fur. What is the actual name of this artwork and artist? What is the date of creation?
- They did not always leave . . . Who is the artist? What is the painting showing? What painting is underneath it?
- OOF. What colors are in this painting? What is the year of creation?
- ***Which of the above works of art are mentioned in A Scavenger Hunt for Hearts?***
Thank you so much for participating in this unofficial scavenger hunt to celebrate the publication of A Scavenger Hunt for Hearts! It made me so happy to try this out for real 😊
A Scavenger Hunt for Hearts Read Aloud by Author
My author reading of Chapters One and Two of A Scavenger Hunt for Hearts is now up on YouTube! I will release a new chapter every week.
Let’s Talk
Who are some of your favorite artists? I hope you have a wonderful November!
Go on a date with Love Is an Art
Go on a date with Love Is an Art! The paperback is now out on Amazon!
Here’s the blurb:
He hates lawyers. So I’m a lawyer pretending to be an artist. Forgetting one tiny detail: I can’t paint.
Tessa: There’s something about the way the blond guy laughs and leans in to listen. My gaze keeps returning to him. The only problem is, we’re at an art gallery after work, and I’ve swapped my lawyer suit for a paint-splattered shirt. I’m pretending to be a struggling artist, acting as bait to entice a scammer who conned my friend out of thousands of dollars.
I look pathetic. But still, I approach Hot Guy.
Our glances meet, and an awareness shimmers across. He offers to buy me a drink–we’re definitely flirting–and then he asks me what I do.
Just when Scammer Guy is in earshot.
I have no choice but to say I’m an artist. I can tell Hot Guy later I’m not.
But then he says he hates lawyers. Now what?
Zeke: She’s the worst artist I’ve ever seen.
And I hate that that makes me suspect that she’s lying to me. After my ex-girlfriend cheated on me, trust is in short supply.
She makes me laugh, and it’s one adventure after another with her. Definitely different from my workaholic lawyer ex.
Maybe it’s time to give love a second chance.
All is fair in love and litigation, but when truth and deception clash, can you trust your heart?
I’d like to take you on a date with Tessa and Zeke in Brooklyn.
Go on a Date with Tessa and Zeke in Love Is an Art
Zeke and Tessa have their first date in DUMBO, Brooklyn. DUMBO stands for Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass. That’s the Manhattan Bridge framed by the buildings.
Then Zeke and Tessa walk down to the waterfront and see this pathway, which has such a beachy feel.
And indeed it leads to beach down by the East River.
From there, let’s head back to the restaurants. Look at that beautiful Dutch architecture. I just love the rounded windows.
And walk up to rooftop of this building. There are more restaurants up top here so Zeke and Tessa grab dinner. Here’s a view out one of the windows.
Here’s one last view to leave you with! But the date continues now with a bike ride. And much more.
Thank you!
Thank you so much to all the readers, reviewers and bloggers who have already left such positive reviews of LOVE IS AN ART. I can’t wait for you to meet Tessa and Zeke!
She loves her community garden. He wants to bulldoze it.
The short tagline for my next book, My Book Boyfriend, is: “She loves her community garden; He wants to bulldoze it for housing. When feelings grow, will they blossom or turn to rubble?”
A laugh-out-loud, enemies-to-lovers, feel-good romantic comedy! It releases August 10. It will be on sale for 99 cents for August, and then the price will increase to $2.99.
(Thank you to my critique partner, Giulia Skye, for the short blurb, and I highly recommend her books.)
In this book, I finally had my two love interests in direct conflict, as recommended by several classes on writing romance. As Linnea Sinclair says in her classes, “conflict is two dogs, one bone.” (I’m excited to take her upcoming classes this August and September.) It certainly makes writing that enemies-to-lovers snappy banter easier. But I have a hard time making them enemies such that they truly hate each other. I still think that the absolute best enemies-to-lovers is Sally Thorne’s The Hating Game.
She Loves Her Community Garden
Community Gardens in New York City – the Elizabeth Street Garden
As a result, I researched community gardens in New York City. The website of the Elizabeth Street Garden in the Little Italy neighborhood of New York City was particularly helpful. Here are some pictures of this lovely garden that is under the threat of demolishment.
We may have had too much fun blurring faces. No, the park was not filled with headless zombies! This article was also incredibly interesting and full of information:
If you read My Book Boyfriend, I think you will recognize many of Lily’s arguments for supporting the garden from the above article.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading all about how Lily loves her community garden and Rupert wants to bulldoze it!
Let’s Talk
What are you reading? What are you watching?
The Bad Date in Partner Pursuit
And in honor of its e-book publishing anniversary, I want to share my bad date story that inspired Audrey’s bad date in Partner Pursuit (only I made it much worse in Partner Pursuit). Evil author chuckle. Someone once asked me what expertise I brought to writing romcoms, and I said that I was single for many years in New York City and I had quite a few bad dates.
In fact, the bad date in my first book, Partner Pursuit, was inspired by a real date.
The Inspiration for the Bad Date in Partner Pursuit
After meeting via a dating site, my date and I arranged to go for a bike ride around Central Park.
I thought this was pretty romantic—to go for a leisurely bike ride in the park and maybe stop for a picnic. So I dressed in a t-shirt and a skirt, and I wheeled out my blue hybrid bicycle with its basket.
But no.
As I was standing there at the entrance to the park, a guy approaches whose face looks remarkably like the photo of my date. But he’s wearing a full-body black Speedo outfit. Tight. With little left to the imagination.
His first line, after confirming my name, was “That doesn’t look like it goes very fast.”
Not compared to the racing bike he brought.
He wanted to race around Central Park. Then he told me he liked to combine his workout with his dates to be efficient.
I wondered how successful this strategy was.
When we stopped at one point, he said he saw himself as a modern-day monk. I didn’t know what to say to this. What had I put in my profile that attracted a modern-day monk?
I went back and checked my profile to confirm that I’d written that I was social and outgoing. I had.
We did not have a second date. But I did get in my exercise for that day so there is something to be said for that.
Let’s Talk
Winnie, Eve and Audrey having brunch! Have you had any terrible first dates? And did you still have a second date?
Caper Crush is Out in Paperback and E-book!!
Caper Crush in paperback! Caper Crush is out in paperback on Amazon and e-book!!! I am so happy. I LOVE this book so much! It will also be available in Barnes & Noble later this summer.
Here’s the blurb again:
A feel-good, opposites-attract, slow-burn romantic comedy
Somebody stole my painting! The one I need for the career-defining Vertex Art Exhibit. This upcoming art show is my chance to finally be recognized as an artist—after ten years of waitressing and being asked if I still have that “lovely painting hobby.”
I have mere weeks to find my painting or lose my artist dream forever—but it’s going to mean working with William.
William Haruki Matsumura. Good-looking, if you like the Secret Service type. You know, law-abiding, protector of women and children. That’s all fine, but I can never tell what he’s thinking. Which drives me crazy.
He insists on coming along to do “damage control.” As if “accidentally” wandering into certain areas is “breaking and entering.” I may be an emotional artist, but William shouldn’t dismiss my investigative skills yet.
William is definitely my opposite, and if there’s one takeaway from my parents’ divorce, it’s that opposites might attract, but it doesn’t last. But detecting with William is kind of fun—and fluttery. I definitely can’t trust these feelings, or can I? However this caper ends, I think this may be more than a crush.
Caper Crush is out in paperback and e-book now– and it’s getting great reviews!
– Maddison O (NetGalley)
“Caper Crush by Kathy Strobos is a delightful rom-com with a heavy dose of mystery. The story revolves around Miranda, whose piece has just been accepted into a major art show. But what will she do when her painting is stolen from the show, along with a painting that was worth a lot more? She’ll have to team up with handsome Japanese-American William, the nephew of her uncle’s partner. Can they figure out who stole the paintings?
Here is a hilarious excerpt from Chapter 1:
“Pushing up my fake glasses on my nose, I shuffle closer to the two other women to listen in on their conversation about the ultramarine abstract painting in front of them. I resist the urge to touch my straight, gray hair. I’ve learned that once I put on a wig, I shouldn’t touch it.
This art gallery is a square, white-walled room in Tribeca with paintings hung a foot apart, about twenty colorful pieces in total. Between the cold air-conditioning and the pops of color, I feel like I’ve stepped into the middle of a vanilla ice cream with rainbow sprinkles. Next to the entrance, the gallery owner sits behind a shiny, white-laminate counter, typing on her laptop. Two large paintings are spotlighted in the storefront windows. My ultramarine painting, unfortunately, didn’t merit that prime real estate.”
Overall, Caper Crush is a lovely blend of romance and mystery. One highlight of this book is how it features a Japanese-American male lead. I rarely see this in romance fiction, and as a reader of Asian descent, I am so happy to support this book. Another highlight of this book is the adorable opening. The main character dressed up as an old lady to get people to buy her art.” –– Leighton, Layton’s Book Reviews
“I adored Kathy Strobos’ Partner Pursuit debut and it’s follow up Is This For Real? In this third instalment in the New York based series featuring loosely connected friends, I loved how there was absolutely no formula to the connected stories. Caper Crush delves into the world of abstract art, and is a romance-tinged whodunnit story. Similarities include the strong backdrop and intimate knowledge of New York City, a deep dive into a topic (in this case the art world and lost artwork, detective-ing), and an awesomely entertaining read. This story had me hooked! ❤️”
– Donna of Read.athon2021 (Instagram)
“Kathy Strobos writes yet another excellent book filled with sweet, funny and laughable moments. Caper Crush hits all the right spots, and leaves you with a good feeling.”
-Julie of JSGoldenBooks (Instagram)
Thank you all. I am so happy with these reviews.
And don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter for my magnet releasing in late July.
Blog Tour Continues!
The blog tour of Is This for Real? continues! It’s very exciting.
Blog Tour Reviews
Splashes Into Books gave their review in a poem that even rhymes! I am so impressed. Here’s a short excerpt:
The story is fun, with many parts that bring laughter
But is really a search for their happily ever after
Splashes into Books BlogAnd here are some more snippets from positive reviews, but check out the whole review at the ChickLitCentral blog:
Is This for Real? was funny and charming, particularly with the premise of Penelope and Rory’s friendship turned pseudo romantic relationship.
Is This for Real? reminded me of how tough it can be to put yourself out there, and how much you can gain (or sometimes lose) by doing so. It was an enjoyable experience, and a side note: I thought some of the subjects in the book were really interesting; I didn’t know much at all about miniatures before reading about them in this story, and even how that’s incorporated along with Penelope’s writing was pretty fascinating!
Sara of ChickLit CentralAlso check out this 5 star review from HTDK2002 Reads:
If you want to know what a feel-good rom-com is . . . this is it!
HTDK2002ReadsBlog Tour Interviews
If you want to hear more about my passion for making miniatures, check out this interview with Reading Tonic.
In Is This for Real?, Penelope makes miniatures to sell on Etsy as a way to support herself and she does dollhouse soap operas on Instagram. (I don’t do either of those, but I admire those who do. It takes so much patience and skill.)
I also have an author interview with B for Book Review with questions like who would I like to interview and how do I do my research.
Partner Pursuit is a Quarterfinalist in the Screencraft Competition
Partner Pursuit is a Quarterfinalist in the Screencraft Cinematic Book Writing Competition. So thrilled!
And don’t forget to sign up to my newsletter for a chance to win these miniature tulips on February 8. I will pick one winner from my newsletter subscribers:
Let’s Talk
I am so thankful to Rachel’s Random Resources and all the bloggers and bookstagrammars on the Is This for Real? Blog Tour! Thank you!
I hope you are doing well. What are you reading or watching?
Behind the Scenes: Partner Pursuit
Here are some more Behind The Scenes from Partner Pursuit. For the prior Behind the Scenes post, click here.
Behind the Scenes: the Partner Pursuit date on the biking trip
Here are pictures of the bar where I envisioned Audrey and Jake’s date during the bike ride along the Hudson River. This bar is in Inwood at the top of Manhattan and has amazing views of the Hudson River.
The Hudson in NYC Here is the view of the Hudson River looking south. It doesn’t even feel like you’re in Manhattan when you’re eating here.
Hudson River view Hudson River view Partner Pursuit is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Kobo, Apple and may be ordered through your local bookstore.
I am still so excited by the positive reviews. I am so happy that Partner Pursuit is resonating with readers.
Ornamental Chapter Breaks
A few months ago, I worked on creating more ornamental chapter breaks by hiring an artist named Erica on Upwork. Do you like this Labrador? We had a Labrador mix named Cleo who features in my next novel, Is This for Real? and so I used these as chapter breaks in Is This for Real?.
Cleo was a sweetheart, but she was famous for always escaping our summer house, which meant I spent a lot of time running down the beach chasing after her. She’d just rip through the screen doors.
Let’s Talk
I hope you are doing well. What are you reading or watching? I am finally watching Ted Lasso and enjoying it. Do you have any TV or book suggestions?
Stay warm if it’s winter where you are!
E-book On Sale Now!
The e-book of both Partner Pursuit and Is This for Real? is on sale now for 99 cents. I put Partner Pursuit on sale for 99 cents through January 13th to celebrate the e-book launch of Is This for Real? available here.
Is This for Real? is now out in ebook! So excited for you to meet Penelope and Rory! On sale for 99 cents through Jan. 24.
Is This for Real? Blurb
Here’s the blurb:
An opposites-attract, friends-to-lovers, slow burn, fake-dating romantic comedy.
Love is all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Usually, me. I admit it. I’m a relationship recluse. Ironic, given that I write romantic comedies. So, I’m on a sabbatical from dating.
Which is why fake dating my best friend, Rory, is foolproof. Rory suggested it because he needed a date for work functions. And I can use our experiences as fodder for my romcom novel. Plus, my sister doesn’t know it’s not real, and she is thrilled that I’m not walling myself off emotionally. Her words, not mine. But I do wish she would stop saying that she always suspected there was something more between me and Rory. She should realize that we’ve been friends forever so I’m immune to his appeal.
We would never work. Rory is such a romantic; he still believes in that perfect love similar to his parents’ marriage. My parents fought bitterly. So, we are better off as friends. I can’t risk losing our friendship, even if this might be my chance—before his ex-girlfriend wins him back.
Those flickers of attraction? Easily extinguished by cold-water reality, like a two-mile hike in drenching rain over sand with wheelie luggage.
But our relationship is not sticking to the plot—or is it?
And so happy with these reviews:
“Let me begin by saying I would risk it all for Penelope and Rory.” – NetGalley
“The slow burn pacing was perfection.” – NetGalley
“It made me feel good and that’s something I really enjoy in my books.” – NetGalley
Partner Pursuit Blurb
And here’s the blurb:
Workaholic lawyer Audrey Willems is not going to take any chances with her bid to become a partner at her New York law firm—especially with only six months until the decision.
Until she bumps into Jake—her new neighbor. Jake is a fun-loving music marketing executive who might just be The One.
He’s funny, caring, supportive—and able to kill water bugs in the bathroom.
But Jake will never date a woman married to her job. His father was a workaholic lawyer who never had time for family.
And she’s just got the case of a lifetime—the one she needs to win to make partner. Working 24/7 at the office may not even be enough hours to pull off a victory.
If only she had not met him now.
Audrey is determined to prove that she can juggle work and romance—even if managing court cases, candlelit dinners, and bike rides around Manhattan is a lot harder than it looks. She keeps canceling dates for yet another case crisis.
But when making partner is like a game of musical chairs and the last seat is a business-class alone, which partnership will she choose?
Let’s Talk
I’m about to get back to editing my third novel (sneak preview is available in Is This for Real?).
I hope you are all doing well and staying safe.